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OhLaila |
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Life's little pleasures. Hmm so Orientation 2, in which I am a part of, as a PA Crew, started yesterday. Nothing much happened yesterday for us though. 'Cause the J1s had talks almost all day in the hall. We did a few here and there when the councillors were practicing Mass Dance though. Today, I thought the bulk of the business began. And indeed it did. Did a lot of work by myself today, especially since the I/C went missing and the other EXCO present had to attend to the lightings matters for OGLs from each houses. The wireless mic ran out of battery during J1 disciplinary talk by the discipline mistress of the college. Ran down from the control room to the hall to replace, in time, luckily. Got a little relief, especially when she wasn't pissed [I hope], and got an applause from the crowd. Haha. And then 3pm, I went down with 2 others to the gym, carrying gym mixer, a box of cables, with the trolley. Quite tough carrying the heavy mixer down two flights of stairs. And waited till 3.30pm, then they told me they wouldn't be using the gym for mass dance anymore. Went a little bit "What the fuck" but what to do? The 2 others went home already. And apparently my message in asking for some crew to help carrying stuff arrived late. So I carried all the stuff back by myself, err, for 2 storeys through stairs + 3 storeys with lift, fortunately. Sweated a little when I played a little basketball with some schoolmates while waiting for the event, but by the time I reached control room, I got drenched in sweat-flood. Had a good time playing ball a little bit though. Good to let steam off after so many weeks of no basketball. They were kind enough to ask me to join them after I stoned there for a while. Haha. And then during mass dance, another change of event. Parents Seminar for J1 was supposed to start by 6pm, by suddenly they wanted everything ready by 5pm, and I was told at 4.30pm. Rushed to LT1 with the stuff and some crews, set the things ready, and guess what, nobody reached the place even when the clock struck 6pm == But accompanied the event I/C, who was late [he's an OGL] anyway, talking about stuff and ate a little bit of chicken rice courtesy of the event organiser [Ahhhhhh half portion of that was HEAVENLY when you haven't touched food since afternoon] while waiting for two classmates before we went to Jiayi's house to have a gathering [supposedly before CNY, but not everybody turned up anyway ==] with the class. You know what, that concluded my day so well, if not perfectly. =D Got my shares of letting off steam in Wii [lost a lot though], Got my shares of jokes, Got my shares of laughs. If you noticed, there will always life's little pleasures you can embrace one way or another. It's just the matter of spotting them. So... Tomorrow, another fun day awaits, hopefully. Study sessions with secondary school best mates, And lunch with the birthday boy. Time to catch up with some stuff, Before the bigger stuff on Monday happens. Oh I'm sure it's gonna be bigger. It's whole day, And things are happening at the fields, And that means carrying huge speakers down a few flight of stairs, And yes, Chinese New Year Celebration rehearsal. Chaotic? Yes. But I'm sure I'll get my shares of life's little pleasures who would be floating around somewhere, somehow. Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Regret doesn't come early. Indeed it doesn't. It only comes a little bit too late. To put it simply, I got my "wake up" call recently. Way back before I was enrolled into JC, I remember a friend of my Dad who told me that since I dared to even think about going into that course, that means I'm putting myself in a warzone. I even posted a blog post about it. And what did I do? All I did last year was to immerse myself in complacency and self-satisfaction. In other words, I couldn't care less about what my result in NJ would be. Since I already heard that bad results during school times does not mean bad results at A Level. But I was wrong. To go into that faculty, I need good academic record, I need jobshadowing experiences, I need letters of recommendation, I need various meaningful CIP experience. My academic record was shitty, I've never even heard of "jobshadowing" before, I'm not even sure if my teachers have anything about me to be recommended to, And almost the whole bulk of my CIP comes from only doing PA events. The worst? I only realised all these now. In my SH2, when I need to buck up all my academic stuff. If only I was this consistent about my work from the beginning, it would all not be like this. I could even have some spare time for other CIP activities or jobshadowing experiences. Not mentioning good academic records and better chance of straight As. But oh well, I guess it's not yet too late. There're truckloads of things to be done this year. And seriously, I really need to stop procrastinating. So, I suppose the battle is still far from over. There's still a chance. After all, The pessimist says: "It's possible, but difficult." But the optimist says: "It's difficult, but possible." Saturday, 15 January 2011 Hmm, what can I say, it's been a hell of a week. I even forgot about my blog totally. Haha. Tell you what, I was damn late to school today. Overslept till 11am. Was pondering whether I should skip school. I could have easily buy an MC or wrote a parental letter, asked my aunt to sign it, or even forge her signature. But I chose to go, to rush without my breakfast and my morning shower. Even took a cab and wasted a freaking $10 trip. Luckily the driver was quite nice. Had little trouble conversing in Chinese though. Haha. So I arrived in about 20mins. I went straight to LT5 when it was halfway through Chemistry lecture. And Physics lecture was next, my personal mentor was there, so I reported to her that I was late. She asked for me after the lecture. Well, guess what, she was super angry. Not like I was not expecting it, but what could I do? Apologising was of no use, Promising that I won't be late anymore had no effect. Of course, who would believe such claim when the one saying it was late for 4 hours? Explaining my ponder earlier was useless as well. Why would she listen to my reason when it would all appear as an "excuse"? Oh well, even showing up to school to face the fact that I'm late was apparently pointless. Okay, maybe not that pointless, since I at least had less to catch up academically than I would if I had skipped. Heck, since I never got the chance to say what I thought, and it seems to me that nobody would ever come here [or even if they do, they don't bother about what I write here] anyway, I might as well let it off. I was thinking of going back to sleep, really, especially when I need it the most at this time of the week, ie. the end of the week. But it was Friday, and after this day I could finally have a breather. And I was too lazy to type a parental letter or buy an MC. Don't even mention the amount of homework and stuff that I would miss. I had enough to handle already. I'm trying to minimise the workload. So I rushed to school. Planned to report as late anyway, I mean, of course I would expect a warning or something. But since my latecoming record last year was quite good anyway [2 times for the year], coming late once this year would probably be good enough reminder for me not to be late again. But what I didn't expect was that I was scolded as if I had fun coming late and making this as a joke. Maybe because it's how I always appear to be. I laugh my problems off almost every time. None seems to know, even I often don't know how thick I can shell my inside from the outside. Okay, I may have a lot to blame. My phone alarm, which failed to ring after I snoozed. It normally works. The maid in my place, whom I requested to wake me up if I fail to do so by 6.30am. The GP homework, which I fail to do during the holiday, and made me stay back until 1am for a few days to finish. Or even my personal mentor, for thinking that I was "having fun" by coming late to school. But why must the blame be on them? I woke up late, 'cause my phone alarm didn't ring. My phone alarm failed on me, 'cause I snoozed it. I needed to snooze my alarm, 'cause I was too sleepy to wake up. I was too sleepy to wake up, 'cause I slept too late. I slept too late, 'cause I needed to finish my overdue GP homework. I needed to finish that, 'cause I didn't do it during holiday. So, I think it's all on me. Well, who bothers anyway? Haha. I'll just hope things will get back to normal, and I won't have to finish my homework so late again. And probably I could find out what's wrong with my phone alarm, and reiterate my request to the maid. Sunday, 9 January 2011 Hello. Before I'm not able to post anything else tomorrow. I just want you to know, this is the post I made before school starts tomorrow. If I don't appear anymore, you know what has happened to me. You know what to do. So, 'till then. Goodbye. Haha just kidding. But school is really re-opening tomorrow. And I'm having this screwed-up feeling again. 'Cause of the homesickness, and the undone homework. Damn it, seriously. Monday, 3 January 2011
A new end is just a new beginning. Well, it's been long since I last used my laptop, and much less visited my blog. Internet's connection is damn slow from my phone. So, first of all, Merry belated Christmas and Happy belated New Year! It's a bit late, but I hope not too late! So shall we start with new year resolutions? Nah. I don't even fulfil my last year's resolutions. Being optimistic? Not when I'm studying in such a hardcore place. Being emotionally-stable? Hmm okay I can say I achieved this pretty much. My new resolutions? Well there's only one. Survive 2011. Literally. For me, it's the busiest of my life, it could be the worst, but most importantly, it's the final lap. For after all it could be what determines my future. [If there's "future" after 2012. Haha xD] So, I guess my holiday [if you can still call this end-of-year holiday, that is] was just the routine. Homework, mostly, and things I usually do here in Jakarta. AKA eat, sleep, and lazying around. Okay, the last one wasn't that significant. Not with the amount of work I brought home. Literally working my days off my homework. And I can bet even it won't be done by the time the curriculum time starts. Oh well, well, well. I must say I don't wanna bother anymore. I'll just try to survive, and well, as usual, do the best for 2011. If it's gonna be the worst, If it's gonna be that bad, Why not expect myself to kick some ass? |